
organic juices

Sunny weather and natural ground, these are the only ingredients which make excellent our Sicilian citrus juices processed by Agrumi-Gel: the matchless pigmented oranges in 3 variety (Moro, Tarocco and Sanguinello), the juicy blonde oranges and last but not least our lemons, mandarins and grapefruits.

concentrate juices

The concentrate lemon juice’s production is intended for a wide clientele which includes beverage industry as well HORECA channel and the final consumer.

It is the very final consumer to have a fundamental role in our Company, in fact he can enjoy the full productive experience and the total care we put in every single working process.

For the consumer mindful to his psycho-physical well-being but stressed by the daily routine, the concentrate juice is perfect for the modern family needing without giving up to natural genuine products.