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ISO 9001

Since 2001: this certification was born with the goal of a quality system to ensure that the product supplied by the company complies with the specified requirements. The specified requirements are defined by the Law with the explicit and implicit expectations of the Customer. Applying it, for  Agrumi-Gel, means creating an organization that has full...

No waste project

No waste project

Assuming that trash is not a technological issue but an industrial design issue instead, Agrumigel finished in the past few years a special project closing its own factory track and producing almost no refuse.  This plan allowed the company to minimize refuse output, to gain by-products for sale, to have a good image in the...

Highway for Fresh

Highway for Fresh

In order to guarantee an exclusively fresh product and a totally traceable production process, in the past few years, Agrumi-Gel has started and ended its process of minimizing the production chain with simultaneous participation and control at each stage. FAICOS AOP (Sicilian Citrus Consortium) was founded (in 2012), the first and only joint venture in...

Progetto Social Farming

Progetto Social Farming

Il Progetto Social Farming  prevede un corso di "conservazione, lavorazione e confezionamento degli agrumi e dei loro derivati" (data prevista 09/11/2016)  programmato dal comune di Barcellona P.G. (ME) presso i propri locali...


Sospensione Attività di trasformazione

Egr. Fornitori, comprendo le mille difficoltà che state affrontando in questa campgana, così come tutte quelle che per svariati motivi vi si sono presentate nelle campagne trascorse...